Tuesday, March 1, 2011


tonight, i want to share some of my artworks with you. even though i know i'm not a good artist, but i just wanna know what people think about my artworks. so would you like to add a comment after you read this post, please? i'll really appreciate it. and please do not use my picture without my permission. Thank you :)

*doodling using drawing pen
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*caricature using a color pencils
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*doodling using drawing pen(again)
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

*pointilism using markers
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*sketches using pencils
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*another sketches using pencils
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

*anime using coreldraw (the first time i draw anime too)
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

*poster using markers
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hit the comment button, please?



  1. Lu terlalu niat ver bkin pointilism nye... wkaokwaokwao.... tugas pointilism gw aj gk sampe segitu bagusnya...


  2. a.m.a.z.i.n.g! hahhaa
    Pointilis lo bner bner gila dut! Lucu abis. sketch pensil lo juga bgus bgt! Posternya juga. udh cepet2 dah lo pergi k Sing. Top markotop (Y)

  3. babe gellow : hahahaa emg saking ga ada kerjaannya jd begitu. ampun anak rafles! lol :p

    agata :hahahaha thank youu tata syg! :*

  4. Halo ini veronica ya ?
    Saya producer dari the beatles mau beli gambar anda bisa?
    Mohon dijawab terima kasi..

  5. kebanyakan belajar akun jadi gila ya mbul? hahaha :*
