Saturday, April 7, 2012

please welcome...

my new blog:

so this blog is OFFICIALLY CLOSED.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

best wedding proposal ever!

"do you feel like, it's an everlasting love?"
best and sweetest wedding proposal ever!!

sorry for a really rarely posting. i have no time now. this university life is seriously killing me. for this week only, i have 32 assignment that i have to finished them before thursday. I promise if i get a spare time, i will post more. I have a loooootttttt of story i want to write. later then. and today my boyfriend going back to Florida :( safe flight dear. i miss you so muchhh. come home soon :(


Friday, August 12, 2011

sweetest girlfriend ♥

i've been such a bad blogger. and there's a loooottt of story that i actually want to share. and all the story is begin because of this:

I'm going abroad.

yeap. actually i'm going abroad because my parents want me to. so as a good kiddo I followed what they want me to do. leaving home is such a bad thing. packing, collecting things, makes me even worse. and now i'm finally here. Singapore. starting my university life at Lasalle College of the Arts. first, i thought i can study at Lasalle Indonesia first, but too bad it wasn't from the same founder. because Lasalle singapore is only at singapore which was stand alone. erghhhh.
i feel so bad leaving my family, my friends, Indonesian food (damn), home. and him. I miss you :( but i feel so grateful that i have them. in this post i want to share what my girls are making for me. they are so sweet! seriously it never crossed my mind that they will give me a scrapbook. they are Vinneshia, Jennyfer, Erica and Novi. and also a teddy bear from Tata, Amel, Angel, Elsha, Monica, Handevi, and Nerissa. i looovee teddy bear! i have two teddy bear now because my boyfriend give it to me too before i get this one. but they are have a different size (I tell you a story about my boyfriend later). and making a scrapbook for me? I just speechless. I really-really love it!! okayy i just write too much. let just the picture above speak now shall we? ;)

the sweetest scrapbook ever!

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the cover♥

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bap bip bup bap bip bup. boops!♥
she's carrying the bag that have a love letters inside. hihi.
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(from left) jennyfer-vinneshia-me-erica-novita (vjven)Image and video hosting by TinyPic

(from left)angelina-elsha-nerissa-me-agata-cepi-monica-amel. leopard girl! haha
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all the girls!
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Thanks youuuuu girllsss! :')
hope to see you all really soon :(
i miss youu alll

p.s : if i got time, i will post more. i got so many story to tell. see ya!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

all in one.

hello! I haven't post anything since a month ago. well i lose my blogger spirit. being so lazy to post. but here I am! back again.
Today i want to tell and show you guys what makes me gone for a while. the answer is one. my boyfriend. muahahaha. since he back to jakarta, i've been spending most of my days with him. don't ask me why ;) I'm so happy that he's here again. but too bad we can't celebrate our second anniversary here because i'm going to Singapore next week. seriously, I don't wanna leave. I just can't imagine... okay stop. this isn't a reason i write today. haha.
soo (back again), instead of celebrating our second anniversary, we decide to celebrate our 700 days anniversary which also the first day he ask me to be his girlfriend *oops*. and i'm pretty excited about it. so i made a scrapbook as a gift for our anniversary. well it isn't really good. but it was my 100% made by me. so PLEASE don't use my picture without my permission. please tell me if you want to use it. (sorry for being such a paranoid) so here's the picture. some of them was blur. private. hahaha. and i really really appreciate if you give me a comment. Thanks ;)

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the cover. Happy 700 days anniversary♥
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I don't know but i really like the map! hahaha

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Happy 700 days anniversary
Happy week-days everyone! LOL

p.s : next time i'll post more.

Monday, June 6, 2011

old (love) story.

lima tahun usia pernikahanku dengan Ellen sungguh masa yang sulit.

Semakin hari semakin tidak ada kecocokan diantara kami.

Kami bertengkar karena hal-hal kecil. Karena Ellen lambat membukakan pagar saat aku pulang kantor.

Karena meja sudut di ruang keluarga yang ia beli tanpa membicarakannya denganku, bagiku itu hanya membuang uang saja.

Hari ini, 20 Agustus adalah ulang tahun Ellen. Kami bertengkar pagi ini karena Ellen kesiangan membangunkanku. Aku dan aku tak mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun padanya, kecupan di keningnya yang biasa kulakukan di hari ulang tahunnya tak mau kulakukan.

Malam sekitar pukul 7, Ellen sudah 3 kali menghubungiku untuk memintaku segera pulang dan makan malam bersamanya, tentu saja permintaannya tidak kuhiraukan.

Jam menunjukkan pukul 10 malam, aku merapikan meja kerjaku dan beranjak pulang. Hujan turun sangat deras, sudah larut malam tapi jalan di tengah kota Jakarta masih saja macet, aku benar-benar dibuat kesal oleh keadaan.

Membayangkan pulang dan bertemu dengan Ellen membuatku semakin kesal! Akhirnya aku sampai juga di rumah pukul 12 malam, dua jam perjalanan kutempuh yang biasanya aku hanya membutuhkan waktu 1 jam untuk sampai di rumah.

Kulihat Ellen tertidur di sofa ruang keluarga. Sempat aku berhenti di hadapannya dan memandang wajahnya. “Ia sungguh cantik” kataku dalam hati, “Wanita yang menjalin hubungan dengan kuselama 7 tahun sejak duduk di bangku SMA yang kini telah kunikahi selama 5 tahun, tetap saja cantik”. Aku menghela nafas dan meninggalkannya pergi, aku ingat kalau aku sedang kesal sekali dengannya. Aku langsung masuk ke kamar. Di meja rias istriku kulihat buku itu, buku coklat tebal yang dimiliki oleh istriku.

Bertahun-tahun Ellen menulis cerita hidupnya pada buku coklat itu.
Sejak sebelum menikah, tak pernah ia ijinkan aku membukanya. Inilah saatnya! Aku tak mempedulikan Ellen, kuraih buku coklat itu dan kubuka halaman demi halaman secara acak.

14 Februari 1996. Terima kasih Tuhan atas pemberianMu yang berarti bagiku, Vincent, pacar pertamaku yang akan menjadi pacar terakhirku..
Hmm. aku tersenyum, Ellen yakin sekali kalau aku yang akan menjadi suaminya.

6 September 2001, Tak sengaja kulihat Vincent makan malam dengan wanita lain sambil tertawa mesra. Tuhan, aku mohon agar Vincent tidak pindah ke lain hati.
Jantungku serasa mau berhenti…

23 Oktober 2001, Aku menemukan surat ucapan terima kasih untukVincent, atas candle light dinner di hari ulang tahun seorang wanita dengan nama Melly. Siapakah dia Tuhan? Bukakanlah mataku untuk apa yang Kau kehendaki agar aku ketahui.
Jantungku benar-benar mau berhenti. Melly, wanita yang sempat dekat denganku disaat usia hubunganku dengan Ellen telah mencapai 5 tahun. Melly, yang karenanya aku hampir saja mau memutuskan hubunganku dengan Ellen karena kejenuhanku. Aku telah memutuskan untuk tidak bertemu dengan Melly lagi setelah dekat dengannya selama 4 bulan, dan memutuskan untuk tetap setia kepada Ellen. Aku sungguh tak menduga kalau Ellen mengetahui hubunganku dengan Melly.

4 Januari 2002, Aku dihampiri wanita bernama Melly, Ia menghinaku dan mengatakan Vincent telah selingkuh dengannya. Tuhan, beri aku kekuatan yang berasal daripadaMu.
Bagaimana mungkin Ellen sekuat itu, ia tak pernah mengatakan apapun atau menangis di hadapanku setelah mengetahui aku telah menghianatinya. Aku tahu Melly, dia pasti telah membuat hati Ellen sangat terluka dengan kata-kata tajam yang keluar dari mulutnya.
Nafasku sesak, tak mampu kubayangkan apa yang Ellen rasakan saat itu.

14 Februari 2002, Vincent melamarku di hari jadi kami yang ke-6.
Tuhan apa yang harus kulakukan? Berikan aku tanda untuk keputusan yang harus kuambil. 14 Februari 2003, Hari minggu yang luar biasa, aku telah menjadi Nyonya Alexander Vincent Winoto. Terima kasih Tuhan!

18 Juli 2005, Pertengkaran pertama kami sebagai keluarga.
Aku harap aku tak kemanisan lagi membuatkan teh untuknya. Tuhan, bantu aku agar lebih berhati-hati membuatkan teh untuk suamiku.

7 April 2006, Vincent marah padaku, aku tertidur pulas saat ia pulang kantor sehingga ia menunggu di depan rumah agak lama. Seharian aku berada mall mencari jam idaman Vincent, aku ingin membelikan jam itu di hari ulang tahunnya yang tinggal 2 hari lagi. Tuhan, beri kedamaian di hati Vincent agar ia tidak marah lagi padaku, aku tak akan tidur di sore hari lagi kalau Vincent belum pulang walaupun aku lelah.

Aku mulai menangis, Ellen mencoba membahagiakanku tapi aku malah memarahinya tanpa mau mendengarkan penjelasannya. Jam itu adalah jam kesayanganku yang kupakai sampai hari ini, tak kusadari ia membelikannya dengan susah payah.

15 November 2007, Vincent butuh meja untuk menaruh kopi di ruang keluarga, dia sangat suka membaca di sudut ruang itu. Tuhan, bantu aku menabung agar aku dapat membelikan sebuah meja, hadiah Natal untuk Vincent.

Aku tak dapat lagi menahan tangisanku, Ellen tak pernah mengatakan meja itu adalah hadiah Natal untukku. Ya, ia memang membelinya di malam Natal dan menaruhnya hari itu juga di ruang keluarga.
Aku sudah tak sanggup lagi membuka halaman berikutnya. Ellen sungguh diberi kekuatan dari Tuhan untuk mencintaiku tanpa syarat.
Aku berlari keluar kamar, kukecup kening Ellen dan ia terbangun.
“Maafkan aku Ellen, Aku mencintaimu, Selamat ulang tahun.”

i found this old story on my friend blog and i want to share this with you guys. for those who read this, please don't waste the person who really loves you. because one day, you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.

Happy Monday guys!♥

Saturday, May 14, 2011

here I come!

Hello! This week is become the best week that ever happen in this year (well.. so far).
first, he's coming home! my boyfriend is coming to Jakarta tomorrow within 24 hours and I just can't wait ♥♥
second, I went to Bali a couple days ago with my friends. and I miss Bali already :(
and last but not least, i want to show you this video first.

David Archuleta is coming to Indonesia!
and I got his ticket already! I am so excited about it!

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He is one of the youngest contestants on the seventh season of American Idol and he finished as a runner up. and I am a huge fan. and i got the ticket for his upcoming concert in Jakarta. Seriously this week is too good to be true!♥♥

Sunday, April 24, 2011

true love?

hello! finally it's over. yeah the national exam are finally done. i would like to scream out loud " freeedooommmmmm!" but unfortunately i'm not.
the ugly truth is my school is the only school (as far as i know) that wont let their student have a day off. and maybe it also the only one that still give their 12 grade students an exam. what the.. okay forget it. i will not study either so who cares? lol.

so today i would like to tell you all about Chris Medina. do you know him?
he's one of the American Idol contestant, but too bad he was eliminated from the 'Idol' competition, before making this season's top 24.
the reason i want too write about him is not because i'm his fanatic fans but i want to share his story to you. his touching love story.

his fiancée, Juliana, two months before they were to tie the knot, was in an accident that left her with a traumatic brain injury. but surprisingly, Medina stay with her. not only as her fiancée but also as her primary caretaker.
" 'til death do us part, for better or worse," he said. "What kind of guy would I be if I walked out when she needed me the most?"
Super producer, Rodney Jerkins, was so moved by his story that he wrote a song just for him, 'What Are Words' that based on Medina's story. although he can't be in top 24, but he became more famous than the American Idol winner.

the lyric of the song is really good. and touching. i cried when i hear and watch the video. (okay imma such a drama queen) but really. not every guy will choose to stay like Medina's did right? don't you feel this is what they called love? or can i say, true love?


Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
when you say them

What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight
And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

I'm forever keeping my angel close...